Patient information

Information on this website is mainly aimed at healthcare professionals, if you are  a patient or a caregiver and would like to know more about the study, please discuss this with your liver specialist, if they are at a participating site.

Qualitative interviews

We are asking 30 participants to do an interview to find out more about their experiences of the drainage. You do not have to consent to this as interviews are optional, but it will help us understand more about patient views. The research doctor or nurse will ask your permission to share your contact details with the interview researchers. If you agree for your contact information to be passed on, the interview researchers will contact you at a convenient time to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Verbal consent for the interview will be taken over the phone at the time of interview.  

The purpose of the interviews is to find out what you think, so there are no right or wrong answers. We are interested in hearing your views and experiences. If there any questions that you do not want to answer, just tell the researcher and they will move on to the next topic.  

The interview will last between 15-45 minutes, at a date and time that is convenient for you. Breaks will be allowed. We will ask for your permission to audio-record the interview, but you can ask for the recorder to be switched off at any point. The audio recording will be typed up by a professional company. Our agreement with them ensures that the content of the interviews will be kept completely confidential. This company will have no access to any of your personal information and will not know your name, only your study identification number. Once we receive the transcript back, we will ensure any identifiable details are removed and we will destroy the audio file. Transcripts and audio files will be stored securely.  

Patient and public involvement and engagement (PPI)


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